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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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December Winners

Cat|4274d ago |Blog Post|19|

(I forgot to give a round of applause to Sahil, the winner for the second month running in our fantasy football contest!)

Congratulations to the winners of DECEMBER:

The $50 Amazon gift card goes to....

karim! Countdown to May - Who will win the Premier League?

Prize: 4 Winners - $25 Amazon Gift Card each!


Prize: 4 winners - a $25 Amazon Gift Card each!



1st: -Mezzo- $75 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: no_more_heroes $50 Amazon Gift Card
3rd: jak3y13oy $25 Amazon Gift Card
4th: karim $25 Amazon Gift Card
5th: PaPa-Slam $25 Amazon Gift Card

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST 31st December 2012.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferrable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by 11x2 ticket on or before January 7, 2013.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

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karim4274d ago

Wow, won 3..Had my hopes on commentary lottery but loyal reader didn't let me down :) December was great

Cat4274d ago

given the number of comments you left in December, it was remarkable that you didn't win that one!

karim4273d ago

I don't really comment because of the contest, I've always found that posting comments is the most fun thing on 11x2 since joining!

wantedboys4271d ago

Hi karim Congratulation

did u received ticket notification because i did not because every time when cat Announced the winner she send ticket notification


karim4271d ago

Yes, received a ticket after a few hours after the announcement of the winners..You should notify cat about this

buddymagoo4274d ago

Yey! Congratulations everyone! And thank you Cat and 11x2.

buddymagoo4273d ago

I wish we could see who disagrees. Spineless people who ghost disagree with nothing to say.

Who would disagree with congratulating everyone?

karim4273d ago

Why bother with who agrees/disagrees, you posted your comment congratulating us (thanks!) and *maybe* those who haven't won disagreed or they're just trolls who just like to disagree with everyone.

Now you go an additional "agree"!

buddymagoo4273d ago

I Understand what you are saying and most of the time it doesn't bother me but sometimes I am interested as to why someone would disagree. What you said though makes sense.

Well done you lucky bugger!

karim4273d ago

Can't believe you agree with me? Man, 2013 is indeed the year of miracles.

-Mezzo-4272d ago

You'd be surprised by how many messed up people lurk around NewsBoiler.

I mean on, N4G, i wished 'CAT & Her Family' 'Get well soon' ( Since she was sick ), and i got more Disagree than Agrees.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4272d ago
krazykombatant4274d ago

wow surprised I won it hahaha, guess all the time off from uni payed off a little bit XD!!

ScytheX34274d ago

w00t didnt think i had this sort of luck =p thx cat and 11x2 ofcourse

-Mezzo-4274d ago

Congratulations to the first time winners, stick around and these prizes will come.

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