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Highlights: Real Madrid 2 : 0 Borussia Dortmund ( UEFA Champions League Semi final 2leg 30/04/2013 )

Benzema (83') 1-0
Ramos (88') 2-0

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RGB4062d ago

Great effort by Madrid, congrats to Dortmund.

wantedboys4062d ago

Thank you Madrid and Congrats to Dortmund

krazykombatant4062d ago

Imma rage here minus bubble me whatever ever you want im going to throw a fit.

Howard Webb you dirty piece of fuk@#$ sh1t. Utter b.s no penalty at the end. No hand ball?? BS.

5 minutes of added time pfffffft.

ManU fans got their revenge in the end in the form of howard webb.

Diego Lopezwas solid, whole match was great. But those last couple of minutes took a huge dump on the match.

/massive rage.

buddymagoo4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

He's just a crap ref. Always been overrated!! Although people say he is bias towards us, he's not, we have a high win rate with most refs because we win alot more than we lose or draw.

It's just more people are started to see that he is a poor ref in most games and not just ours.

I think he missed a lot for both sides. Especially Ramos elbowing Lewa about 15 times!!

krazykombatant4062d ago

The madrid team, just played physical football. If it had been an English team it would be fine.

Still, I thought the reffing was even till the second half.

Had to laugh at the ITV pundits, dortmund playing better in both legs HA!

ProjectVulcan4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Dortmund deserved to win the tie over the two legs.

Madrid had their chances, Dortmund had some as well, and could have easily scored a couple tonight to boot. They WERE better averaging the 180 minutes. Lewandowski also was fouled a bazillion times without much punishment for Madrid.

Madrid had a fairer opportunity than Manchester United did. Madrid should have been out of this competition a couple months ago. They were never good enough to win it, not if you lose 4-1 in a semi final. You just can't do that at this level...

Bayern still to take it for me.

majiebeast4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Be glad you didnt lose Ramos after his fightclub style of football some of the things he did were deep red with a ref that isnt Webb. So dont whine about wanting a penalty.

Ben Dover4062d ago ShowReplies(3)
Nes_Daze4062d ago

Congrats to Dortmund, and Madrid fought well.

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