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Madrid and Napoli agree €35 million Higuaín deal

Real Madrid has finally found a club for Gonzalo Higuaín. Serie A side Napoli has agreed a €35 million deal for the Argentine striker, according to the Sunday edition of Italian newspaper 'Corriere dello Sport'.

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MajorLazer3972d ago

That puts Arsenal s**t out of luck :'D now for Fellaini to join UTD and Suarez to go to Madrid

Android3972d ago

Couldn't of said it better. Arsenal f@$ king frustrate me so bad I swear im considering canceling my 25 year support for them.

wantedboys3971d ago


"canceling my 25 year support for them."

pompombrum3971d ago

Well apparently a deal for Bernard has been agreed. Which would be hilarious because at the start I said they wouldn't sign a striker but instead get another young winger in... Wenger loves signing wingers.

silvacrest3971d ago

i was thinking the same thing regarding arsenal, although i didn't see them dropping 35 million euros for anyone

Corepred43971d ago (Edited 3971d ago )

This was supposedly denied by Ancelotti.

But who knows.

ghoh13971d ago

i think he won't accept to move to a shitty team like napoli.