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Highlights: Burnley 0 - 0 Manchester United -EPL '30/8/14'-

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PaPa-Slam3581d ago

What a shame for Man UTD.

b163o13581d ago

Can the United season comedy continue, early indications suggest yes Llf....

amiga-man3580d ago

No team fear Man U at the moment and to be fair why should they?

asmith23063581d ago

Or congrats to Burnley for having three shots on target and keeping Utd on two.

badz1493580d ago (Edited 3580d ago )

paid good money on exceptional players like Mata and Di Maria, doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to use them!

I don't know what's wrong with Mata at the moment though as he loses the ball A LOT. he needs to keep his cool together and control the game like he has done in Chelsea. but Di Maria was looking out of position most of the time but who can blame him? know why? the shitty Ashley Young was there!

Rooney and RVP are way out in front limiting their attacking options but waiting for the high passes which are most of the time, inaccurate! can't blame them for not scoring when they rarely got the ball.

what United should do is focus their attack using Mata and Di Maria and Rooney to control the midfield and get rid of Young and Valencia - not that the later plays bad but he's getting too predictable for his own good and was pretty much useless in attack! play Kagawa instead and believe it or not, Chicarito is a better alternatives than Young could ever be! and the defense needs a serious makeover! they are just sloppy!

asmith23063581d ago

What's the point in paying a transfer record fee for a winger and playing him in the centre? The downfall continues.

ProjectVulcan3581d ago (Edited 3581d ago ) do realise his very best season was last season and all those assists came from Di Maria playing as the left centre midfielder for Madrid? Facepalm.

United should have a bunch of players back after the international break so Van Gaal can tweak the system if he wants.

Rojo, Shaw, Herrera and Blind should finally be available and I imagine they could all very well start. These are fairly major upgrades on what has been playing thus far. Van Gaal can go 4-3-3 then if he wants.

The reason why he has had to play Cleverley, Anderson etc despite wanting them gone is because Carrick, Fellaini,and Herrera were injured.

asmith23063580d ago

Erm, facepalm, left centre midfield is a different position to centre midfield. Di Maria should be on the left, not in the centre. But thanks for the paragraphs of knowledge though!

ProjectVulcan3580d ago (Edited 3580d ago )

No, it isn't really when you play in a 4-3-3 as he did there...

It's mad you don't know where Di Maria played for Madrid most of last season and criticise with lack of knowledge!!!!

He played on the left of a central 3, drifting in and out, up and down depending on where the guy in front of him was and the guy behind him was.

He was brilliant at it there. The fact he started out as a out and out winger at Madrid but converted to a midfielder when Bale arrived, then had his best season ever, seems lost on you.

PS4OUR3580d ago

What's the point of commenting when you don't know what you're talking about.

Di Maria played in centre midfield alongside Modric for Madrid with Alonso anchoring the Madrid midfield. Centre midfield is his best position as his stats indicate. Highest assist in europe past season and 3rd overall for the past few years behind Messi and Ozil.

The only downfall you talking about is people wanting United to fail, people like you. The club is undergoing a massive restructuring from grassroots level, to backroom staff to everything in between.

United has been ingrained with wing play for the past 20 years through Sir Alex and his methods. Van Gaal's way of playing is totally different. He has had the same slow start to his tenure at Barca and Bayern Munich as the players get used to the way he wants them to play.

I'm less worried about results and more focused on seeing how United play with every new match. Anybody who expects immediate change at United needs a visit to a shrink.

asmith23063580d ago

"What's the point of commenting when you don't know what you're talking about." - LOL! Thank you for the education :)

PS4OUR3577d ago


"What's the point in paying a transfer record fee for a winger and playing him in the centre? The downfall continues"

A quick google search (i assume you have access to internet) will show that Di Maria was used in centre midfield when playing at Madrid for the past 2 seasons.
It is his best position.
Educate yourself before making assanine comments.

Nes_Daze3575d ago

Didn't see the match, so I'm not sure where the hell Di Maria played, but yea he's more effective as a midfielder if he is allowed to run down the flanks. Did he play in center midfield? Because I would see how that would be stupid. I also saw a predicted formation from an analyst for Van Gaal's team and they had Rojo as a CB and Shaw as LB, -_-

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fOrlOnhOpe573581d ago

It's still the defence that needs urgent attention and three at the back really doesn't suit them.
And did the cameras catch Fergie yawning, in the crowd?

windblowsagain3580d ago

Burnley could have won that.

When UTD come up against a good team there are in deep shit.

TheSaint3580d ago

Lol, we are officially better than Man Utd.

Something I always knew but now everyone does.

silvacrest3580d ago

To be fair, that goes for a lot more teams as well these days,

As a mata fan I feel like he's been thrown under the bus with this current united team

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