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Pique: Messi more naturally talented than Ronaldo

Goal - Ahead of Monday's Ballon d'Or trio reveal, the Barcelona defender has complimented the effort his former Manchester United team-mate puts in to keep pace with the Argentine.

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alb18993485d ago

WTF is naturally talented?
Does Ronaldo has a computer installed in his head or does he need to practice more to get we're he is?
It doesn't matter if Ronaldo has to practice 100 times more to be as good or better than Messi, what matters is his compromise to give the best he can, the passion!
I admire more the hard work than the ones who has the give.
CR7 has been better in everything this year so there isn't excuses to not give him the galardon.

bluegoblin3485d ago

specially the world cup huh? what a joke

alb18993484d ago (Edited 3484d ago )

Everybody knows that Ronaldo played with an injury in one of his knees, plus the Argentina's team can't be compare with the Portugal's one.
Even ignorance can sound like a joke when the one smiling is more ignorant than the one who made the joke.

asmith23063483d ago

@alb, Portugal were ranked higher than Argentina going into the WC so to say they can't compare is a bit off the mark.