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Mourinho: Ronaldo could leave Real Madrid

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho has suggested he would be fine with star Cristiano Ronaldo leaving for Paris Saint-Germain.

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Ninjamonkey824282d ago

The lad will follow the money mark my words.

KingPin4281d ago

well, his career will be nearing its end in 3-4 years.

if you were in his shoes wouldn't you do the same?

yezz4281d ago

Well I just can't understand why would someone who earns over 200k/week want even more money..

I don't care who you are but if over million per month + nike cotracts and other stuff is not enough then just.. wow..

XboxInnovation4281d ago

The more you have the more you want. Once you become spoiled its much harder to become satisfied

KingPin4281d ago

yezz, you do realize that at the age of 32/33 he will be earning 5k pm if he is lucky. you lose sponsors etc. that he will still have to maintain his lifestyle for the rest of his life.

how many people you know retire at 33?

all soccer players do that, make as much money while they can coz the rest of their lives they wont be earning as much.

did you know that some ex professional footballers are in prison coz they were caught as drug mules only coz they needed the money.

again, if you worked at your company, and you were good at what you did, and another company came a long and offered you more, are you really going to turn it down knowing the extra cash would make your life easier?

end of the day if he moves for money its understandable.

yezz4281d ago

I know most of the players will earn much much less when they retire but Ronaldo is very big name and will propably get jobs here and there if he needs them..

He has been earning so many millions that he could easily live with them the rest of his life, unless he is stupid enough to spend it all and then it is just your own fault..

"how many people you know retire at 33?" well none, but if I knew someone who earns over 10 million/year then maybe I would know..

asmith23064281d ago

KingPin, Ronaldo has a fortune of around €150m. If that isn't enough to keep you going for a lifetime then I am baffled. The man doesn't need another cent for the rest of his life.

KingPin4281d ago


so what if ronaldo has 150m euros, if he can gain 10 million more why not.

with your guys logic its like saying Bill Gates should have retired when he was 32. there was no need for him to carry on making another 300 billion till the age of 45.

if ronaldo wants to make more money, why not. his won all major trophies anyways and he has made his mark on football as one of the worlds best ever.

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PaPa-Slam4279d ago

I guess the clock is time on Ronaldo's time at Real Madrid.