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Sandmano (2) - 3810d ago Cancel
Gekko (2) - 3810d ago Cancel
Stringerbell (1) - 3810d ago Cancel

Lewis Holtby 'set for Tottenham exit'

ESPN: Holtby, 23, arrived at White Hart Lane from Schalke last January, but has struggled to make a real impact in North London.

The Germany international has been linked with a return to the Bundesliga, with Borussia Dortmund and Schalke having both been credited with an interest, while a move to Fulham could also be on the cards.

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Community3810d ago
The story is too old to be commented.
neoragex3811d ago

What a shame, he would be a good signing for united tho.

Stringerbell3810d ago

He should have never left.