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neoragex (2) - 3804d ago Cancel
SJIND (2) - 3804d ago Cancel
Gekko (2) - 3804d ago Cancel

The SAS might be firing on the pitch but they aren't exactly buddies... Suarez and Sturridge

Chris Sutton was once asked who was the best striker he had ever played with.
He replied: ‘Efan Ekoku.’ And his tongue was not entirely in his cheek.
Sutton was the 'lesser S' in the original SAS strike partnership with Alan Shearer and it always bugged him that he was regarded as being in his fellow striker's shadow.

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Community3804d ago
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Sandmano3805d ago

Never noticed they had a feud

Stringerbell3804d ago

Best comment from the article.

"This is nonesense, overreaction by the media to the Everton game. Before that game, the two of them would always look for the other after scoring to celebrate. Whenever one assists the other, they make sure the crowd acknowledges the assist by celebrating along with the other. Sturridge got a little out of hand because he really wanted his hat trick, and any striker in the world would have been frustrated seeing the chance wasted (the one sturridge missed right before he was taken off). I dont know if they dance together or no, but there is definitely no hatred there."