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Yes to signing Barcelona's Lionel Messi, no to Real Madrid's Kaka - Inter coach Rafael Benitez

Rafael Benitez has joined the campaign to bring Barcelona's Lionel Messi to Inter, but suggested there is no room in his squad to accommodate Kaka of Real Madrid.

Inter president Massimo Moratti had said he was ready to launch an ambitious assault on the transfer market earlier when he told La Gazzetta dello Sport that signing Messi was a real prospect.

Benitez has now jumped on board and is ready to sit down with club directors to devise a plan for snaring Messi. But he is not interested in trying to lure ex-Milan idol Kaka back to Serie A.

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karim5032d ago

Looks like they are really serious

FootballZilla5032d ago

Nah they wont bid 250million if they do then dont know?

karim5032d ago

250M ? WTH !!! For A Player ! :P I can buy a Castle...1000 Cars...50Hotels with that ammouunt of money :P

kulka5032d ago

haha I could buy a good club for that money or couple of great players the whole team to be honest