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140° Why moves for M'Vila, Modric, Cahill, Bellamy & more did and didn't happen

In a whirr of faxes, suited bartering and post-dusk medicals, transfer deadline day once again did not disappoint in terms of drama and unexpected last-second moves that stretched Premier League rules to the limit.

The day's capacity for the unexpected was best summed up by Raul Meireles. At 10.29pm there was barely a whisper that he would be anything other than a Liverpool midfielder when he went to bed that night. Less than 40 minutes later, he was confirmed as a Chelsea player.

The Sweeper can now reveal how some of the major deals were forced through even after they had looked dead and buried while others hit stumbling blocks for reasons as varied as poor timing, points of principle and simple cash.

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freeduck4710d ago

Still surprised that Cahill wasn't sold this summer. Was certain that Liverpool were going to buy him this year, I guess Owen Coyle thought he was worth more than other clubs anticipated.

He will cash in on Cahill this January otherwise he will not get a cent off of him when his contract runs out next summer..

rafay4710d ago

Bellamy move did happen!