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Lets Get Even.

You're probably scratching your head thinking & worrying about how my Grade A Submission's never get heated while Grade B Submission's from some other members get heated over 150 Degree in Pending Section.

Well there's no need to worry anymore, because i'm here to explain it all.

Step By Step Guide On Getting Your Story Heated (In Pending):

1 - Submit The Story (Of-Course).

2 - Refresh The Page.

3 - Comment On Your Story.

4 - Refresh The Page.

5 - Tweet Your Story Using Your Twitter Account.

6 - Refresh The Page A Couple Of Times & BOOM Your Submission Just Crossed The 100 Degree.


I just recently found out about this trick & have been doing it myself to Stay ahead of the competition. But i always felt guilty about it and thus decided to share it.

The reason i decided to share this instead of stop doing it myself is because stopping myself wouldn't have made any difference, the other members ( KARIM ) would have kept doing it.

So there, now you know it.

Solution To This Problem: - Remove the sharing feature while submission's are in pending.

My Conscious Is Clear Now. :D

( This Is Not Cheating At All, But It Isn't Fair Either)

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Changed from Pending to Approved
Community4396d ago
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freeduck4396d ago

I have always wondered this myself. Last month when I was active in submitting stories, I noticed one member (I won't call this person out unless requested by an Admin) would have a heated story for no reason (it stood out like a sore thumb) and it wasn't because the submission was interesting, it was rather odd that those types of stories were getting a lot of views. I was going to make a blog post about this, but never got around it. Now I realize that there are exploits people are using to increasing their hits.

I think the sharing feature should be disabled, I agree. People exploiting this feature should be warned by the moderators.

Thanks for posting this.

PaPa-Slam4396d ago (Edited 4396d ago )

Even though i know this now, i will never use it, and neither should you.

Have some morals people.

It's nice that Mezzo decided to share this.

FootballZilla4396d ago (Edited 4396d ago )

I allways knew this aswell..
But i dont think anyone should do it, i think you should be able to comment but not refresh the page multiple times in my mind thats cheating. And i dont think you should be able to share your own stories.

no_more_heroes4396d ago

Always knew something was odd about the temperature on some stories. I tried this (for the first and last time) on my "Ronaldo is not sad, he is fine, says Portugal team-mate Nani" submission about an hour ago and the thing is heating up like crazy. This site only has 57 followers on twitter. Does it really take only that amount of people clicking on the link for stories to heat up like that? If so then that needs to fix, badly. Even if they click on the link multiple times, it shouldn't be that easy to heat an article up.

Kinda makes me wonder just how many people have viewed a story that's over 1000 degrees hot, especially given that TechSpy recently had a story that reached almost 8000 degrees hot.

jak3y13oy4396d ago

That's the first time i have seen a story get so hot before!

karim4396d ago

EIGHT THOUSAND DEGREES? Is that even possible?

no_more_heroes4396d ago

Yep. It was actually 6920, but I wasn't far off.

jak3y13oy4396d ago

I learnt this the other day ago, but i have never used it either, before, i had also wondered how some submissions got to 200 degrees with no approvals.

Thanks to Mezzo, we have learned how this exploitation works.

There are 2 sides of this though,
1 side is getting more people on the site by sharing it on Social Websites.

But one the other hand the story is heating up faster than a forest fire!

Thus getting more points!

But i will never use it! I like to think that lots of people have read my story i have found and provided to this site, than getting the extra heat and points by myself.

It actually shows what is interesting in 11x2 instead of some things what aren't very interesting getting 250 degrees +

Thanks Mezzo for Sharing This!

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