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Of course, we will have a monthly contest for MARCH month (as we have every month). WE WELCOME NEW AND OLD MEMBERS TO JOIN!

This month contest is:

Here we will pick the user with the most comments (good thought-provoking ones) and who also Submits the most News stories to the site. To SUBMIT a story is EASY- done in less than a minute- just read the guidelines and you are ready!

5 points : Submit a news story
2 point : Make a news comment
1 point : Approve a news story

User with most points at the end of the month will walk away with a $100 giftcard from
Post a news submission and watch the heat rise.

The one who posts the hottest news 3 months in a row is rewarded $300 cash.
Submit news and get a top 3 News ranking in March and you can win up to $100. 
The prizes are:
1. $100
2. $75
3. $50
The contest starts the 1st of March. Good luck to all our users!

(Feel free to give us feedback by using the comment box)

* 1 prize per member/month.
** Cash prizes are paid by PayPal
*** Prizes are bought & sent from

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Changed from Pending to Approved
Community4946d ago
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FootballZilla4946d ago

Good contest prizes but like i said before.
Whoever wins Contributor Contest will also win Submit and Comment Contest.

kulka4946d ago

Agree would do with something new

The Hunter4946d ago

Thanks for the heads-up again :)

"(Feel free to give us feedback by using the comment box)"

Yeah as Footballzilla said, maybe there must choose a other contest then submit and comment contest.. This is contest is bored, because the winner of the contributor contest that is standard wins also the other contest. And you can only choose one prize, so I dont care anyway, because I will always to try first in Contributor contest, but other people have no really a contest.

Here are some new suggestions:
- Blog contest
- Join contest (just join the community)
- Quiz contest (not predictions, just some questions)
- Art/photoshop contest (football related ofcourse)

All this contest must be promoted trough a social media (twitter and Facebook) Everybody who want to join that contest must also retweet (twitter) or connect (Facebook) the contest, this way you can get a large scale of new members for the site.. Result in a bigger site!

The Hunter4946d ago (Edited 4946d ago )

Another thing...

New members dont have much with this contest as they need a high CRank for these contest as the most contributors passed the 20 CRank..

Only the hottest contest can be reached, but they need real luck to get that 3 months in a row..

This way there is no warm welcome for new members..

As I said before, get ride of the "HATTRICK CONTEST" and get these contest that I suggest..

KingsCross4941d ago (Edited 4941d ago )

Why "get rid of a hattrick contest"? Is it because its the only one you dont win?

The Hunter4940d ago (Edited 4940d ago )


If u read my whole comments, then I suggest all of sort contests, wich is easyier for new members..

Because 11x2 have a little budget I think, they cant do all contest I suggest, so to remove the Hattrick contest (300 dollar) then u can spent that money for other contests.. I think about the site and new members, im not a selfish person if u think that..

And yes I am the most time the winner of the submit and contributer contest because I have a high CRank, still if u read the rules, I can choose only about one price per month..

So, please do you homework better next time then accuse someone else!

karim4946d ago

Blogs are rarely being post,so I would suggest a "Best Blog Contest"
I would also suggest a Management contest

kulka4946d ago

I liked the quiz plus the comment

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