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Staff Addition

Cat|4386d ago |Blog Post|6|

11x2 is a young site, and you guys are its founding members, its heart. I still remember when N4G was at this stage, and it's loyal members like you - the ones that stick around through those awkward growing pains - that give 11x2 shape and character. Thanks for everything you bring here, you make it a place worth staying!

Please join me in welcoming FootballZilla to the 11x2 team! A newly minted Moderator, FootballZilla is here to serve you, particularly with unsavory tasks I would rather not touch.

[fist bump]

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Community4386d ago
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jak3y13oy4386d ago

Congrats Zilla!

Lets keep growing guys!

karim4386d ago

Congratulations! Deserved

-Mezzo-4386d ago

The name I've been calling out For Mod.

Congratulations 'FZ'.

FootballZilla4386d ago

Thanks guys :)
I appreciate all the support!!!

no_more_heroes4386d ago

Sweet! Hopefully now this is a step in the right direction for the site.

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