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Survey, Please!

Cat|4245d ago |Blog Post|13|

Hey, guys! If you could take a minute to answer this short, anonymous survey about 11x2 that would be great!

I am hoping it's a convenient way for you to give your opinions on some of the "biggies" and also a helpful tool when I chat with the rest of the HAVA team.


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Changed from Pending to Approved
Community4245d ago
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buddymagoo4245d ago

Done! Anything I can do to help one of and if not my favourite site on the web.

no_more_heroes4245d ago

Just finished this. Hope the feedback helps in some way.

karim4245d ago

Done..Hopefully some of the issues would get fixed

buddymagoo4245d ago

I made the suggestion of a managing contest. That way stories would get approved much quicker and the site would become more streamlined with news stories.

They would have to keep the contributor contest but make the managing contest the same so you get at least 5 people actively managing the site.

karim4245d ago

Suggested a "Manager of the month" contest..DQs occur if there's more than 10 bad approvals and reports, good idea no? Thing a Managing Content along a Contributing contest is also a pretty great idea

karim4245d ago

Forgot to include the "Twitter boosting" trick I discovered a while ago..Has to be stopped, preferrably reduced to like 30 degrees max or something

jak3y13oy4244d ago

Done! Glad to help make the site better! :D

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