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Survey Feedback

Cat|4239d ago |Blog Post|16|

First, thanks for taking the time to complete the survey and offering detailed feedback. I want to take some time to address some of the common issues brought up in the survey.

The effects of social media on the NewsBoiler sites has definitely thrown a wrench in the heat algorithm. We want people to link to stories because we want people to find our communities, but we do not want sharing to artificially alter the sites - and adding 100+ degrees to a story none of the members give a rip about definitely does that!

Moderator - all Moderator jobs are temporary to some degree. Eventually, people move on, and occasionally we discover it isn't a good fit and a Moderator is replaced. Obviously, that situation can be hard for everyone involved so we do try to choose wisely. :) I had a couple people in mind for the job here on 11x2, and the survey results pointed pretty clearly to one individual of that group. I guess you'll know more on that later!

Of the current Moderator candidates, all of them are active contributors - which is essential for helping with the site - and participating in the Contributor Contests. Because Modship is unpaid, a Moderator is not DQed from contests. However, if they use their Mod powers (approving all their submissions, failing competing submissions, restricting the competition, for example) to alter the results of the Contest they would be un-Modded, banned from NewsBoiler permanently, and probably shunned by society at large. I bring up this un-fun topic because I think it's better to discuss it frankly. This is a close-knit group and being above-board will save us a lot of crankiness.

Contests: Sounds like we'll have more Manager contests! This one can be hard to quantify, because it isn't just about spamming approvals and reports. So don't expect to see a simple "top scorer" reward here!

Community: By and large the responses indicated enjoying the community, but there were a few words like "disrespect" popping up. This is the internet and we're not perfect, but I hope you guys are reporting offensive stuff so that Moderators and I have a chance to review it.

Site Update: There is a large update coming that will address all of the problems that you mentioned in the survey, either directly or indirectly. Yes, it's the update is that big.

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Changed from Pending to Approved
Community4239d ago
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jak3y13oy4239d ago


Looking forward to seeing who will be the next mod! Probably because i'm a candidate for it ;) #VoteForJak3y

Glad to help out the site!

Also im looking forward to the 'big' update! Cat, how soon will the update be?

Cat4239d ago

" Cat, how soon will the update be?"

A lady never tells.

Cat4239d ago

Honestly, I'm itching to tell you guys more, but it's just a bad idea. Things change - most notably dev timelines - and when they do there's nothing I can do but bear the brunt of your wrath and disappointment!

no_more_heroes4238d ago

I thought the update was supposed to happen Fall 2012...

Cat4238d ago

You're helping me prove my point, n_m_h! :)

If there's a timeline announced, implied or assumed and it isn't met, then people are disappointed/frustrated/angry/ (vengeful?!) - and what can I do? Nothing. Seriously, when it comes to speeding up dev timelines I have ZERO power.

So here's the facts that won't let any of us down: there will be an update in the future.

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karim4239d ago

Hooray for manager contests :D And thank god, it'll be moderated this time since I have to admit, some people didn't deserve to win it (just approving everything without checking!)

Cat4239d ago

It's a really tricky one, no doubt. What do you think of factoring in a member vote?

karim4239d ago

I'm not quite following, you mean the 11x2 users voting for the winners of the managing contest? If so, I disagree since people tend to slip up a lot or miss a small detail while checking stories..Think it should be up to our new moderator to supply you with info about the progress of the contest (tell you those who approve randomly and so on) and maybe do an in-depth check for most of the stories since checking all stories would take ages! But, it's not up to me and if the others don't mind, I definitely won't oppose a member vote :D

Cat4239d ago

The member vote factor: either have members vote from all candidates and once the pool is narrowed have staff members choose, or inverse: have staff come up with a small pool that members vote on.

karim4239d ago

I really liked the former, staff votes are more precise than user votes IMO

buddymagoo4239d ago

Really looking forward to the site update!

karim4239d ago

Can't believe it's true..Nearly 3 years asking for a site update. I can finally die in peace now since my death wish is fulfilled

karim4238d ago

Hey Cat..I hope there would me a Manager Contest ALONGSIDE a Contributor contest because I have a sneaky feeling people won't submit stories as often..Maybe do a "Manager of the month" style contest? One winner but I think a Manager alongside a Contributor contest would be the best :)

Cat4238d ago

The Contributor contest is here to stay in some form or other :)