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February Winners

Cat|4219d ago |Blog Post|13|


SPECIAL NOTE: Due to the difficulties we've encountered with winners receiving the emails from Amazon with their gift codes, we're going to have prizes issued to me this month (haha, wait, it's ok) and then I'll paste each of the winner's gift codes into your Contest Ticket. This will eliminate a step or two and hopefully save headaches.

I will still need you to confirm US, UK, or CA Amazon store, or if you receive your prize via PayPal other means.

coolbeans -
$50 Amazon Gift Card


Prize: 4 Winners - $25 Amazon Gift Card each!

1. buddymagoo
2. wantedboys
3. karim
4. jak3y13oy


Prize: 4 winners - a $25 Amazon Gift Card each!


 Submit news and get a top News ranking in February!

The prizes are:
1st: -Mezzo- $75 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: jak3y13oy $50 Amazon Gift Card
3rd: SadeckJaffal $35 Amazon Gift Card
4th: karim $25 Amazon Gift Card
5th: no_more_heroes $25 Amazon Gift Card

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Changed from Pending to Approved
Community4219d ago
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jak3y13oy4219d ago

Coolbeans blog was fantastic!

Yes $75 which means about £50ish squid but thats good! :D

Saving up for something special! :D

Congrats everyone if you won any prizes! :D

coolbeans4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

Thanks, jak. Hope to dive into more topics about this lovely sport when I'm not busy (typically focus on videogame reviews on n4g when I get the chance).

And I hope to avoid using the term 'soccer' at all costs.




Edit: Congratulations, other winners. :)

Sahil4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

Congrats mate, well earned for a brilliant blogpost.

Congrats everyone :)

goku323594218d ago

Post a comment here and there, get rewarded with $25 every now and then. Not bad, not bad at all.

Just to verify, when/where do we verify whether US/UK/Canada?

Congrats to all the winners by the way!

Cat4217d ago

Via the contest ticket I sent you - I'm assuming US for you?

goku323594217d ago

You are correct. Should I still reply to the ticket notification, or is this good?

goku323594216d ago

Alrighty, thank you very much!

karim4218d ago

75$..not bad..coolbeans, you made me miss out on another 50$, you know what this means, right? Just kidding, fantastic blog and a well deserved win!

karim4218d ago

Cat, when's the deadline for the quizify questions?

Cat4218d ago

I plan for it to run through the end of the month of March

karim4218d ago

And how many max questions can be chosen from a single user?

Cat4218d ago

There's no limit, any questions we choose/use will net a reward for the one submitting them.