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coolbeans (1) - 3192d ago Cancel
Sidology (5) - 3178d ago Cancel
sonicwrecks (3) - 3180d ago Cancel

2015 Au Revoir!

So this year Sid is playing psychiatrist (as opposed to Santa) as he gets the usual suspects to dish out their 2015 highs and lows. So I suppose it is my turn to open up and let loose.

So Dr. Sid, how did I grow in 2015? Well I guess we do need to preface the fact that I've been in a psuedo rut of sorts for the past year. Basically I've been living the movie 'Groundhog Day' minus all those godly powers Bill Murray was able to amass. From my job, to friends, even to my hobbies - it was all the same with basically no growth. First world problems right? Complacency isn't something I'm all to fond off, when it comes down to it I have a competitive spirit. Ironically it was missing for the better part of this year, what gives?

Job wise, something that I initially was gung ho about, became a huge burnout. Eventually to the point of outright apathy see my daily routine here -

I work in real estate, management to be exact and a good portion of my job deals with tenants - their hopes, dreams, and complaints. But actually just their complaints I deal with. A never ending barrage of doom and gloom.

Now dont get my wrong I dont work in the salt mines, not anymore at least but there is a glass ceiling so to speak and I'm pretty certain my face is squished right up on it. I suppose I was having this catch 22 of sorts that all of us experience when we are making our way on the chain gang. I'm good at what I do, the job is cushy, but you want that fulfillment. Is it enough to abandon those familiar comfortable surroundings for a grind you may not end up being sweet on?

Now when Ms. XYZ wasn't complaining about the draft in her window (which I swear to you was never there, like seriously we replaced that window in her apartment twice in fact) I was trying to juggle friends, family, and my down time. The eternal struggle.

This was the year of cant make it, have to cancel, I'm tired, maybe tomorrow, sorry etc etc. That's not me, never has been, but it was this year. All too often I found myself shuffling plans with multiple groups of people, I can be here for an hour then jump over to see these people and still make it in time for dinner with these people and wake up early to help so and so out. Has anyone ever seen that episode of the Flintstones where Fred is running back and forth between two engagements? And he gets caught by his wife when he shows up dressed for the other party he's been sneaking off too? Anyways, that's been my social life for the past year.

The horror of having friends and a busy social life right? Truthfully though it was me trying to please way too many people and not knowing how to just say 'no' sometimes.

But this is supposed to be about growth right? So I came to this realization, an epiphany if you will. If I had reached where I wanted to be, job wise, life in general, I wanted to go beyond. This wasn't me being ungrateful, as I never take what I have for granted - but its come down to evolve or die. Can I make a football metaphor?

One of my favourite footballers growing up was Roberto Carlos. The man has traveled the world and was a champion for both club and country. Right now he is 42 years old and guess what? He's still at it as a player manager over in India. He could have retired, maybe he should have, but he has some fuel left in the tank. What am I getting it with all this babbling? Where I was with everything in life, was already a victory. But if I really wanted to, I know I could improve, or at least say I tried to.

This improvement in particular was to finally go after the masters degree I've always wanted. Getting into the desired job field that would allow me to do what I wanted with a smile on my face. The catch was and its a big one, it would require me to go half way across the world leaving all my family and friends behind. While I truly cherish my friends and l-o-v-e my family, if I didn't go through with this I would probably regret it forever. So as of right now, that's exactly what I have done. I have been offered a spot in a masters program that's perfect for me and come fall of next year off I go. Clean slate, leaving all my familiar comfortable surroundings behind for the unknown.

A year ago, even a few months ago, I would have balked on this. Mentally I wasn't there I guess, but readdressing everything thats happened to me this year (or lack thereof) and looking ahead, actually wanting to look ahead, I'm confident I'm be making the right decision here. And if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not afraid to fail either. So there you have it, and if you aren't Sid and have still have made it all the way down here, you've done your good deed for the day listening to some random kid on the internet ramble on. Have a happy new year and I hope that this coming one well be better for all of us.

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Community3178d ago
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coolbeans3192d ago

I've done my good deed for the day! :D

Force be with you for this masters program, Stringerbell.