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sokrates (3) - 4786d ago Cancel
rafay (2) - 4786d ago Cancel

Man City and Brats

Dear all.
This is Tom`s view on soccer.
Right now city leads 4-0 over Swansea.I am very impressed over Man City team this season. They look sharp over the whole pitch and Mancini has finally got he`s own squad. There are no Adebayor and Bellamy any more in the team. I think they really can challenge for the title this year. I really hope Chelsea can pick up the fight but I am not sure. I also think that it is funny to see players like Silva and Aguerro do they`re magic on the pitch. So watch out people, "city is in to win it"

Now over to something else, I am really provoked over the brats in english footbal in 2011. English footbal looks like italian and spanish footie more and more. There are no team beloning feeling anymore. Look at players like Tevez and Nasri, they are acting like 5 years old and does not deserve that we pay to see them. They deserve to play for empty stands and to be in a boxing ring with Joey Barton :)
I miss players like Paul Ince, Robbie Savage and Dennis Wise. They were cult heroes. Imagine if a player like Jack Rodwell could be a toffee for life.

That was all from me tonight.

Have a good one folks.


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Community4786d ago
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sokrates4786d ago

Really liked your comment and your point of view.
What can we do to regain players that are and feel conected to the club? I guess the money has won...

Messishow4785d ago

I really want Nasri and Tevez in the ring with Barton:)

Many good points here Tom. The cult in football now is that big powerful people buy clubs. And they tempting young talents with money. I dont say that its only the big owners fault, but some kind of response they must take.

I dont think money have won yet. But something must be done. Some leaders in FA, FIFA, UEFA whatever... who is not affected with money themselves, must set down rules transfer money and palyer wages. It must down a lot (200-300 percent). Maybe then, young kids can have a chance again to be a football star. Not just the kid who have money to join an accademy.

Feel free to comment my opinions.

Supertom20104785d ago

Thank you for repling to my blog Messishow.
I agree with you that there are rich owners must take responsibility for this. But I do not think that Uefa and Fifa has what it takes to take action. They are corrupt from here to the moon so I do not have so much hope for them I am afraid. I get more and more facinated by german footbal. I think they have a more healthy vision on the game and the young players get the chance. An alternative is to support a team in england in the lower divison where they have team spirit and loves their club.

zico4785d ago

welcome to the 11x2 community. Interesting blog, like it. And "watch out people"....I think City will take it this year. I`m Pool fan but realistic, City showed their skills last year, and this year they will be better. And I believe in Manchini.

LovIbra4785d ago

Football has change, so the clubs and players policy/relationships. one thing is players who just "plays for money" and not for the club, and it`s a lot of them. But they do have a short football-life. And if they do not preform or are unlucky to get injured for life, the first who "kill them" is the club who don`t want them any more.

sokrates4783d ago

Sure, but players like FAbregas earn more in a year than most people do in a lifetime. So, 1 year playing you should be able to think: I am fine in life. But much wants more. Thats the problem about modern international football.

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