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sokrates (3) - 4641d ago Cancel
kulka (3) - 4641d ago Cancel

Pathetic players

Hello again.
I hope you all are jolly good.
I have an opinion on players which do not celebrate after scoring. Both James Milner and seb larsson did not celebrate their scoring in this round and i feel that this is just pathetic. In todays premiership money rule and players do not have any club feeling. James Milner main motivation for going to city was money, nothing else and when he then wants to show the villa fans respect it is just ridicilous in my eyes.

The second point of today is that i really hope suarez will get punished for coming with racial comments, this is un acceptable and football pitch should be a place without this shit.
So put yourself together and behave luis.


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Community4641d ago
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kulka4641d ago

I doubt Suarez said anything... no one an prove anything unfair to judge a player like this

zico4640d ago

totally agree with you Kulka!

Supertom20104640d ago

I hear you both guys and you have good points, but why will evra lie about this? he says that ref mariner heard it many times so it will be exiting to see what FA does further in the week, time will show

kulka4640d ago

Evra has done it before Suarez can barely speak English why would he mock evra ? maybe Evra understood him wrong don't know I'm sure Suarez is innocent

GJ234637d ago

Wrong, Evra has never done this before.

kulka4637d ago (Edited 4637d ago )

he did against Finnan in 2006 and Chelsea steward few years back

GJ234637d ago

The Finnan incident was when a deaf person watching the game lip read Finnan calling Evra the n word.

Proof -

And the incident with the groundstaff was reported by an "allegation made by a member of the visiting team's staff" not Evra

This is the first time he has done it

karim4638d ago

Uh,what does this have anything to do with Dennis Wise ? (The picture)..Milner loves Aston Villa and their supporters so even if he left them to join a club for the money,he will still love them...Simple!