Bastian Schweinsteiger with muller a close second. Troll
"Sorry guys, AS A PORTUGUESE NATIVE SPEAKER, I can guarantee you that he didn't insult Mourinho. He said "Fodasse" and not "Fode-te". "Fodasse" is a very emotional Portuguese expression that means, in this situation, "HELL YEAH". "Fode-te" is an insult... but he did not say this.... that is what you get when Spanish people tries to read the lips of Portuguese people... the language is similar but is not the same"!
After how Messi and Ronlado played all year, I don't see Pirlo winning it this year..
hxxp:// eason=2012/statistics/ ml ....Nani only has 2 assists I don't get where you got 8 from lol
Germany could only play Spain in the Semis not the finals..
It's because Ronaldo is having his second child as his wife is pregnant.
Guess you're Dutch?
I think the Portugal one is hot.. England's going really old school or some shit. Is it just me or does it look like it's made of cotton :P
Maradona and Pele have their own ..and plaus it wasn't Ronaldos idea to have a museum in his name.. The island of Madeira where he is from wanted that