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Messi: If Barcelona are not winning, my goals are meaningless

The Argentina star stressed the team's desire to set things right after last season's Champions League disappointment, and revealed his "dream" to see out his career at Camp Nou.

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SephirothX214284d ago

I think someone should tell him about goal difference.

XboxInnovation4284d ago

No one will remember Ronaldo this generation because of Messi lol

Corepred44284d ago

Says the guy who constantly brings Ronaldo up by bad mouthing him every chance. Lol don't worry man we'll have you to remind us.

KingPin4284d ago

the fact that you cant have a convo about messi without someone bringing up ronaldo proves that nobody will forget CR7.

OT: funny, when messi says it, everyone is like "oh ok, yeah makes sense. he's right" when mourinho said it before the last ballon d'or that messi scored plenty goals and didnt win any big trophies so all his goals are for nothing, everyone was like "is he crazy? he doesnt know what he's talking about."

XboxInnovation4284d ago

Maybe if he stayed at United he'd be remembered more. His worst decision was going to Real Madrid, AKA the little brother of Barcelona and home of the greatest footballer ever in his prime.

Nes_Daze4284d ago

Because everybody knows Mourinho is a clown. Whatever comes out of his mouth is meant to spark the press. And both of them are right, but what Messi meant was different to what Mourinho meant, and their purpose in what they said was different. Mourinho whining and moaning about who won the balon d oro is typical of his childish behavior. The best player wins it, end of story.

asmith23064284d ago

What is it with utd fans obsession with defending Ronaldo? Ronaldo will be remembered but he will be remembered as second best to another player called Lionel Messi. I'm not Barcelonas biggest admirer either, personally I think the majority of the team are diving drama queens, but there is no denying that Messi is one of if not the best ever.

KingPin4283d ago


so you really think iniesta deserved the ballon d'or after both messi and ronaldo had better seasons than him. and you say mourinho is the clown. guess it takes one to know one.

Nes_Daze4283d ago

@Kingpin, Iniesta did help Spain win the Euro cup, and they were considering Casillas too, they were trying to recognize the Spanish squad more imo. I do agree however that he didn't deserve it at the time, my comment was in regards to Messi winning the award vs. Ronaldo in past years, which is why Mourinho whines.

Corepred44283d ago


Lol the little brother of barca?? Lol why cause they've been doing really well for a while? You do know it goes back and forth right?

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cyberninja4283d ago

not sure about other people, but you will.

doncorleone4284d ago (Edited 4284d ago )

So he's saying that he does not deseve the ballon d'or since pretty much all of his goals were meaningless...