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Rafa's astonishing rant at Chelsea fans in full

The former Liverpool boss hits out at the Stamford Bridge faithful for their constant criticism of him, as well as club owner Roman Abramovich for only making him interim manager

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ProjectVulcan4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

Haha he went well mental, I just read all about it as well. Whatever did he expect from Chelsea?

Di Matteo should NEVER have been sacked, and if he was going to be replaced, it should have been done the end of this season rather than bringing in any 'interim'.

Yet another farce in the Chelsea hot seat.

Abramovich and his board doesn't half look retarded sometimes. He bet the farm on a temporary manager waiting for Guardiola to make his mind up, and lost big.

Di Matteo deserved several years to build the side he wanted. Abramovich may as well just manage the club himself, BECAUSE HE DOES NOT DELEGATE AUTHORITY PROPERLY.

He needs to back off, and tell the players whatever the manager says is word. Thats the only way to stop premadonna massive ego players from ruling the dressing room, as they decide whatever manager they have if they don't fancy him they can just do what they please cos it won't be long before the next sucker comes along....

The rot must be stopped by giving a manager full control of the budget and the signings and the selection without impossible pressure from above.

Whoever is the next manager needs to be left to his own devices for 2 or 3 years. If he is proven quality, just let him get on with it.

Dungus4223d ago

Rafa's not done anything wrong and the Chelsea fan's rage isn't being aimed at the right people. They're just hurting the team, not the manager and certainly not the board. Rafa will leave at end of the season laughing, where will Chelsea be then? The exact same spot they're always in.

karim4223d ago

You lost me at "Rafa's not done anything wrong"

Dungus4223d ago

What has he done wrong? Struggled for good results? When was the last time a Chelsea manager didn't struggle with results? It's not his team, I doubt he even picks who starts, and I don't think this one man can be blamed for an indifferent season. Chelsea fans want immediate success and the very best all of the time and it just doesn't work like that. Ok, maybe you know more about it than I do, but it's clear that the majority of problems lie behind the scenes.

Dungus4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

ps. only two points behind 3rd

goku323594223d ago

I agree and disagree with your statement. It's true that no matter what he does he will not be loved at Stamford bridge (maybe tolerated, but certainly not loved). I also agree that this hate towards Benitez is just hurting the team even more. We're stuck with him until May, so I say we suck it up until then and just support the team, not much we can do about that.

But at the same time, some of his decisions baffle me. The 4-2-3-1 formation is not as effective anymore, yet he sticks with it. He should try a formation with both Torres and Ba in it, but he doesn't (Not sure if it's him or Abramovich). Squad selection is very weird at times (like Ramires starting out on the wing against City, and Torres starting ahead of Ba in most games).

I'm no manager, but a decent amount of the problems with the squad could be fixed rather quickly, but he refuses to change his tactics (even though we're losing points left and right!)

Diffraction_Fos4222d ago

The 'Torres starting ahead of Ba' bit is most probably down to the owner.

Ba & Torres starting together? Won't work. Torres is a very selfish striker, so is Ba. They both work better as lone strikers. They need a top class supporting playmaker from midfield rather than a strike partner.

asmith23064222d ago

If I was Benitez I would walk. Leave Chelsea in the dumps. Complete joke of club, they are nothing more than Romans play thing. This is why I can't understand these "fans" getting on Benitez's case when it should be aimed at the boardroom.

jak3y13oy4222d ago

Why did they sack RDM? and then replace him with Benitez, he's a good manager but why him!? :L